Connect(US) by Warren Langley is a captivating 110-meter-long suspended light sculpture located in the Kings Square redevelopment area of Perth's CBD. Designed in collaboration with industrial designer Trent Baker, this public artwork symbolises urban connectivity, linking the city’s precincts like jewels on a necklace. By day, the sculpture appears as a continuous yellow ribbon, but at night, it transforms into vibrant ochres and reds, reflecting the Western Australian landscape.
Langley’s use of light as volume gives Connect(US) a dynamic and site-specific character. The sculpture’s colours respond subtly to changes in ambient light, adjusting to the season, sky conditions, and even the passing of clouds, which cause the artwork to “blush.” This interaction with the environment makes Connect(US) a living part of the cityscape, enhancing the pedestrian experience by guiding movement through the space and offering a visual respite in the bustling urban setting.
Commissioned by Leighton Properties, Dexus Property Group, and the City of Perth, Connect(US) has become a landmark piece of public art, highlighting the transformative power of light in urban renewal. The installation celebrates connectivity and the unique qualities of Perth’s urban landscape, blending artistic vision with the city’s evolving identity.
Connect(US) Project
Details and Key data
- Leighton Properties
- Dexus Property Group
- The City of Perth
- Warren Langley